#110: If There’s One Thing You Should Never Delegate, It’s This

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This week a client got on a coaching call and said she was part of an email thread in her area with a of a bunch of farmers saying you can’t make a living farming.

(All because THEY weren’t making a living farming.)

And she was feeling stuck thinking she would never get to profit.

She wasn’t raising her prices when she believed this discussion.

Yet she knows in our group we have farmer after farmer reporting increased profits, increase revenue, reaching bigger sales goals than ever before.

She wondered who to believe.

THIS is why mindset work is so important: if you surround yourself with failing farmers telling their sad story of going broke, then that’s what you’ll believe.

And that’s what you will create on your farm.

IF you want to be successful, surround yourself with farmers like my coaching clients who are learning to create profitable farms.

Today’s podcast is an example of what’s possible for you when you learn the marketing skills and mindsets I teach.

I invited several farmers to share their favorite changes in their businesses and lives since starting this program.

THIS is how you make success inevitable – surround yourself with other farmers and study their mindsets.

And unsubscribe from those lists of people sharing about how it’s not possible!

My clients in 5X Your Farm Sales are selling out in 12 hours in one case, one email in another case and one week of emails for others.

This is just the beginning of their successes! Tune in to hear how they’re making more money with more calm and peace than ever before.

Hear from one farmer who’s been self-critical her whole life and how that’s shifting today and has change EVERYTHING about her life AND marriage AND business.

If you’ve ever thought maybe you’re too old to learn how to turn your farm around, you’ll hear from Carole, age 70, who’s ecstatic at the success she’s creating in her farm business and her personal life.

Tune in today and hear what’s possible when you surround yourself with successful people.



PS CLICK the play button above to listen to how these farmers are creating success.

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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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