#115: This is the ONE CRUCIAL THING the Most Successful Farmers do in Life and Business

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Do you know your financial success on your farm cannot outpace your personal growth?

To put it another way, if you’re not happy with the amount of sales or the money, or profit you’re making in your business, you’ve got to work on your mind to improve those results.

More on that on the podcast today – click the link above to listen.

Many farmers can find some success at first, but then they often plateau.

That plateau is feedback you’ve got to take the next step and work on yourself, not on the website or infrastructure or hiring or changing products.

It’s not the external circumstances that will get you to success – your farm will become successful when you create self-awareness of how your thoughts are causing you to struggle and then how to shift them to be more useful.

This may sound easy – but like most really worthwhile endeavors, it’s not.

But mindset coaching IS the solution to building a profitable farm – whatever that looks like to you.

Some farmers have very small operations and just want to pay their expenses and maybe have some spending money left over for family fun.

Other farmers are trying to make a living solely from farming.

Wherever you fall on the spectrum, the process is the same.

You’ve got to get your thoughts, emotions and actions in order and in alignment to be able to create the results you want.

That result may be a specific dollar amount in the bank or some other measurable goal.

Today’s podcast episode will get you on your way.

Listen by clicking play on the link above.


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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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