#123: The Crucial First Step to Creating More Time in our Busy Farm Days

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Most of us consider time to be our most valuable asset.

Our 24 hours in a day are so precious!

But here’s what I know to be true –

*I teach you how to create more money.

*I teach you how to get all the customers you want

**But I can’t teach you how to make more hours in the day than the 24 we’re all given.

But I CAN teach you how to create more time in the 24 hrs you already have by making a few subtle but powerful shifts.

Click the play button above to learn the first step to getting way more peace AND productivity in your 24 hours.

I don’t mean that you’re going to do more – I’m not telling you that you have to be more productive.

Chances are you’re already running on all cylinders – me telling you to “just do more” is NOT going to help.

Instead, you’re going to learn to shift the way you think about time.

You’ll learn to create a new way of thinking about the time you do have that will free up hours.

I will teach you the first steps in learning the skill of managing your time differently in your mind – in a way that serves you instead of overwhelms you.

Based on my experience coaching hundreds of farmers, when you learn the skill of managing your mind around time, you’ll free up 2-4 hours per day.

Today’s podcast is step one.

When you stick with me and learn to Master Your Time & Master Your Life, you’ll get more done PLUS have time set aside daily for your own personal care.

I know!! That’s a new concept for most people – daily time for ME???

Because you can’t create more hours in a day, you must learn this first step of getting MORE out of the hours you have – MORE accomplished and produced, and more rest time.

Click the play button above to learn to create more time in your day.



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I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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