#126: The Four Biggest Time Wasters in Your Day You Can Eliminate

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Imagine how luxurious it would feel to have 2-3 extra hours every day of your life.

It’s not just an impossible dream… stay with me here, and you’ll start to see possibility for this.

==> Click the link above to Learn the 4 Biggest Time Wasters <==

You know I can teach you how to make more money.

And I can teach you how to attract all the customers you need.

But what I can’t do for you is create more hours in the day than the 24 we all have.

However, my clients report finding 10-20 more hours in their weeks after coaching with me.

I know – it may seem impossible for you right now. But please know, with some focus on a few key things, this is available for you, too.

Farmers coaching with me create more time with a combination of learning how to manage their time more productively.

AND, the other side of that, they learn how to stop wasting immense time in their days.

You’ve got to address both – stop wasting time + learn to manage it in a useful way.

Next week I’ll start teaching you the steps to creating more time, but first, before those will work for you, you’ve got to learn how these common time wasters.

I outline the 4 Biggest Time Wasters we don’t know we’re doing – in today’s episode of the Profitable Mindset Podcast.

Click the link above to Learn to Eliminate the 4 Biggest Time Wasters

Just becoming aware of these 4 things will make it easier for you to change them.

Awareness is the FIRST step in creating calm, balance and peace in your lives that my clients report feeling for often what is the first time since starting their farms!

So, step 1 of creating more time is becoming aware of how you’re wasting time.

Nothing else will work until these are eliminated.

See you in Episode 126!


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I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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