#178: 5X Your Farm Sales: Registration Open This Week Only

Click HERE To Read How to 5X Your Farm Sales and Sign Up

We’re taking new farmers into the exclusive 5X program today.

Don’t miss out on being a part of the most popular high-growth program for farmers.

​Read about 5X Your Farm Sales HERE​

(payment plan option on that page^^)

Here’s what’s inside the 5X Program:

  • Expert group coaching with me weekly
  • 2 private 1-on-1 coaching sessions for the year with our 1-1 coaches
  • Access to all exclusive classes I teach: Farm Marketing from the Heart Sales Made Simple Master Your Time/Master Your Life And – goal setting, decision making, business marketing planning, and more
  • One group coaching call per week with our resident therapist/coach
  • Advanced marketing strategies training teaching the process my clients use to double, triple, 5x & 10x+ their sales
  • Learn the 5-Day Focused Sales Launch
  • Access to a private Facebook group where you’ll meet fellow farmers – watch the success they’re creating with this program and you’ll get to success even faster
  • Exclusive copywriting coaching each week with our expert copywriter and author to level up your marketing
  • A brand-new practical planner for you to organize your time and life. With a handy tracking tool to keep you on top of everything.
  • Step-by-step guidance – what to focus on first, second, third, etc.

You have our full support to grow your farm sales inside our exclusive farmer’s community.

​​Click here to learn more and sign up.

Enrollment is only available until this Friday, August 11th, at midnight PT.

Discover what happens inside 5X Your Farm Sales

  • Farmers are sending one email and making $2,000…before, they struggled to sell anything.
  • Or sending one email and making $25,000.

Yes. In ONE day. Because they’re doing this work and getting the support they need.

Farmer Sarah made $100,000 in sales in ONE WEEK.

It used to take her all year.


Because she studied the Advanced Marketing Strategies program.

Look, it’s hard work, and it’s simple too.

I’ve laid it all out for you.

Picture this…. Your 30 head of beef gets sold in a week…. No more endless posting on social media, cold emailing, and struggling to move them.

Imagine how the rest of your year will go when it’s all done!

You can be just like Sarah, too.

Many farmers in the program email me daily with results like this.

They’re having success they never thought imaginable.

Because they’re committing to doing the work.

They work actively to focus on their mindset and marketing for one year.

I know you’re no stranger to labor.

If you want these outcomes (and you’re ready to put in the work) sign up for my program.

5x Your Farm Sales, a Marketing and Mindset Program for Farmers.

  • The farmers I’m giving weekly feedback to are selling out in ONE email, which used to take them months
  • They’re selling more in ONE WEEK than they used to sell the whole season
  • They’re raising their prices to make a 40%+ profit, finally

​Your income will NEVER outpace your personal development.

Our coaching is crucial to your farm, life, and emotional success.

Not only are my clients making more money, but this happens, too…

  • No longer feeling burned out
  • Working reasonable hours
  • Setting firm boundaries
  • Scheduling daily free time for themselves (Yes, even with all the kids, all the farm projects)
  • Feeling present with their family every day

5X’ing your farm sales isn’t all about the money.

It never is.

Yes, money solves a lot of immediate problems.

But 5X’ing your farm sales becomes about so much more like…

  • Paid off mortgages
  • Husbands and wives able to quit day jobs and be home full-time on the farm
  • Healed marriages
  • Healed relationships with parents and in-laws and kids
  • No more monthly bill juggling because there’s always enough in the bank
  • Finally taking a family getaway during the busiest months of summer… with NO guilt

​And more.

The average person will 5X their sales.

Some less, some more, it depends on your commitment to the training,

The more profit your farm makes, the more you can do for your community, your family, and yourself.

Click here to discover more.

Enrollment just opened and will only be available until this Friday, August 11th, at midnight PT.

Don’t miss this,


PS: Reply to this email if you have questions – I’m more than happy to answer

Click here to check out 5x Your Farm Sales, a Marketing and Mindset Program for Farmers.


The latest bonus – a 5X Your Farm and Life Planner is included with your membership.

Watch the video below and see inside my new planner:

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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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