Click HERE for All the Details of Coach Certification For Farmers
It’s time. Coach certification is open today (to everyone) but only for a limited time.
Want to know if it’s right for you?
Listen to this week’s podcast in the link above.
Or watch the video and sign up HERE
This episode will blow your mind because it blew mine.
I was humbled when listening to these farmers’ jaw-dropping transformations from what they studied, learned, and applied in my coaching certification these past six months.
I couldn’t believe how their lives have changed forever, and it’s time for yours to do the same.
First, meet Jenn, a veterinarian and a farmer who’s been unhappy and unfulfilled in life for years. And thought she’d have to go through life this way. She couldn’t see any other way.
So many women are like Jenn – they tell me they feel like there’s something else they’re meant to do; something’s ‘missing’ in their lives, but they don’t know what. And that what they’ve spent their life learning to do, is not fulfilling them.
As soon as Jenn read about my coach certification program, she knew she had to sign up immediately. She said it was the fastest financial investment she’s ever made.
And she hasn’t looked back since. From day one, she says, “I know this is exactly where I belong. I’ve found my life’s purpose; I’m living my life’s purpose.”
Jenn no longer feels this low-level unhappiness. She’s excited to bring coaching to the stressed-out veterinarian world.
Starting immediately and in the few months since, Jenn transformed many areas of her life:
–she learned to let emotions easily wash through her mind and body and dissipate instead of stuffing them down, which research tells us leads to anxiety and depression. .
–from day 1 of class, Jenn used the simple coaching techniques I teach to help her colleagues and peers feel better.
–Jenn feels this deep knowing that THIS is the missing piece in her life. She’s learned the skills to bring coaching to the stressed-out veterinarian world.
Across the board, everyone in the coaching program feels this sense of great purpose and deep fulfillment, a “knowing” this is the work they’re meant to do.
Here’s what you need to know about coach certification
- Training starts in May
- 6 months of 1 x 90-minute weekly zoom class
- You’ll become a certified coach
- Investment is $6,000, paid in 6 monthly installments
Plus, one year’s free membership in 5X Your Farm Sales added when your current one expires.
Not in 5X Your Farm Sales? That’s alright, you’ll be added immediately. Join coach certification training; we’d love to have you.
Click HERE to start your life-changing journey
I can keep telling you how profound this coaching certification is for farmers, but hear it from them instead.
Listen to the podcast now.
You’ll hear it’s the most heartfelt and significant thing they’ve ever done.
“I’m supporting my family now. My husband is home to help with the farm full-time. He got to leave the job he didn’t enjoy. We paid off our house. Our business reached six figures.
I’ve reached all these goals on a practical level, but those mean so little to me compared to how this program has changed me on a personal level.” ~Lori Hernandez
It’s your time to take your life, farm, and future to the next level.
You can begin your coach certification transformation by clicking the link below.
Grab one of the remaining spots for Coach Certification HERE.
>>Registration closes on the 6th of April at midnight Pacific Time <<
See you inside soon,
PS: Last fall, it was a frenzy, and every space filled up in 72 hours. Don’t miss your spot.