
#195: How to Stop Self-Sabotage

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This week, a farmer requested my coaching after living in anxiety for two weeks, looping on thoughts.

She was beating herself up for having said ‘no’ to a request.

Even though she felt good about it in the moment, later she felt guilty!

>>Hear the Solution to Self-Sabotage in Episode 195<<

I’m certain she’s not alone.

So many of you tell me you struggle with looping thoughts, keeping you up at night.

Or haunting the back of your mind during the days.

Please know – you don’t have to live with looping thoughts – we cleared it up in our 30-minute coaching session.

Plus, she now has the skill of preventing it in the future.

Self-sabotage shows up in many ways – and many farmers aren’t even aware – they’re so used to living with it.

But this bad habit keeps you stuck, not moving forward, not reaching your goals.

Self-sabotage sucks up so much of your time. It also impacts your mental health.

Awareness is the first step since you can’t fix what you’re unaware of.

Today on the podcast, I show you how to recognize it first, and then I give you the simple fix.

>>Listen NOW to finally stop looping on thoughts keeping you stuck.<<



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