#216: How to Train Your Employees to Be as Thorough and Hard-Working as You Are

Click HERE – let’s meet up and see if the Farm Marketing Mastery Program is For You!

I’ve got the most wonderful strategy to share with you on the Profitable Mindset Podcast today.

It’s what I’ve done for over 20 years of hiring and managing employees.

The first time an employee told me, “You’re the best boss I’ve ever had” I thought they were being nice.

I started hearing it regularly – people loved working at my farm.

I started asking why – and they said they felt valued.

I saw it in their performance – they were always willing to go the extra mile usually only an owner does.

I teach you this exercise today on the podcast and it helps you create a wonderful farm environment where people love showing up for work. Yes, even hard farm work.

Give it a try.

I pulled it out of Farm Marketing Mastery, my signature program that teaches farmers how to get profitable.

I know you’ll love it because not only will your employees feel valued, but you’ll feel valued by them when they improve because you’re using this technique.

Listen NOW

Let me know what happens when you do it. Feel nervous? It’s normal – give it a try anyway. The payoff in their performance is so worth feeling nervous!!

Big hugs,


P.S. Farm Marketing Mastery opens in September. Formerly known as “5X Your Farm Sales” – it’s the same program but with a different name, and you’ll learn how to make your farm profitable. Plan on joining then!

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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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