Free Master Class this Spring: 5 Crucial Mistakes Farmers Make That’s Costing Thousands
Just a couple miles from me, a farmer with wonderful pastured chickens, eggs and dairy products has announced they’re quitting farming at the end of the month.
With just 30 days notice, they’ve left our community hanging – scrambling to find the milk that our kids love and the pastured chickens and eggs that we rely on for our own health.
This happens far too often –
For 25 years, I’ve watched farmer after farmer across the country, start up their farm, give it their all (physically, financially, emotionally) and then shut down. Losing all.
I share insight about why this happens – and it has nothing to do with your farming skills or product quality.
I work with hundreds of farmers a year for over a decade and I’ve noticed a clear pattern that separates those who thrive and make a healthy living on their farm, from those who go under.
There’s a big knowledge gap that most farmers never bridge, and today I share how to close that gap so you can be around for the long run.
In this episode, I reveal:
- The TWO types of knowledge every farmer needs (most only focus on one) 🧠
- The dangerous “knowing what to do” trap
- The one strategy my clients use to sell out or generate $100,000+ of product with a single email 📧
To your success,

P.S. If you’ve been working hard but not seeing the profits you deserve, this episode might be the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for. 🌟