#84: Three Simple Tweaks On Your Farm’s Website to Attract More Customers

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Farmers often reach out to me for help, disappointed their website is not making them more sales.

Doesn’t matter what platform they have – they ALL can work. The platform is NOT the problem. There is no “perfect website platform” that when you find it then you’ll FINALLY make money.

It’s the content you build into your site that matters – and the people building your website are not going to know this info. That’s not their job. It’s your job to learn, and this is what I teach you.

In today’s podcast episode I teach you 3 very simple tweaks I see missing from most farm websites.
You can make these tweaks today and get your website on track to perform when you use the marketing strategy I teach.

I understand you might be skeptical of this – why is no one else telling you about these crucial strategies?

Listen, there’re expert website strategists that will help you get it pretty, that comes first.

Next comes my boots-on-the-ground experience with hundreds of farmers over the last decade.

I know what works. I know what doesn’t work. From years of experience reviewing and tweaking hundreds of websites now making my clients collectively millions of dollars.

I now know first-hand what works to make sure a potential customer lands on your site and takes the action you want them to take.

Make these changes to your site and then bring it to my Advanced Marketing Strategies program for a review to continue improving and up-leveling.

Let’s finally get your website doing what it’s supposed to do – making you consistent sales on your farm.

Listen now to learn and implement the 3 simple tweaks.

That’s just the start of your profitable farm.

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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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