#87: My 4 Step Process To Raise Your Prices With Ease

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These are the two most common problems farmers start coaching with me to solve:

  1. You’re not making enough money.
  2. You’re struggling with overwhelm – not having enough time or money or resources so things aren’t getting done.

Some tell me they’re hemorrhaging money!

Yet you can’t afford to hire help to lessen the overwhelm.

And part of the problem is, you just aren’t charging enough to make it all worth it.

Our family farms usually don’t have the economy of scale that the industrial farms have, so we have to charge more than the grocery store, for instance, to make a profit.

Yet most don’t.

And when I ask why not – you have a multitude of reasons, probably all the ones you’ll hear on the podcast today!

Before you can successfully raise your prices, you’ve got to know why you’re not raising your prices – otherwise, your biggest fear will come true – that you’ll lose customers.

I go over all of this, in detail, in this week’s podcast episode.

The 4 Steps I teach in today’s episode will help you gain the confidence to raise your prices and NOT lose customers.

I teach you how.

Listen to this week’s episode and learn.

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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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