
#170: How to Handle When Your Employees Aren’t As Productive As You Are

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I know this is driving a lot of you crazy!

Last week a farmer showed up to our coaching call frustrated because her employee takes 2 hours to milk the cows and it takes her 50 minutes.

Then, a vegetable farmer said his employee takes twice as long to harvest a row of beans and misses half of them.

Learn What To Do When Your Employees Aren’t As Good as You.

When you make yourself feel frustrated because you think your employees should be working harder, smarter, and just overall better….

…you cause yourself even bigger problems.

From this place of frustration, you end up doing more of the manual labor because, well, let’s face it, “if you want a job done right, you gotta do it yourself” comes to mind.

From this place of frustration, I hear from some of you that you’re finding other jobs for the employee to do that are NOT what you hired them for, because you end up doing the milking and the harvesting. And all the things.

From this place of frustration, when you DO try to go inside and work on marketing or some other money-making activities, you’re looping and spiraling on so many negative thoughts, you can’t focus.

See all the problems you create for yourself when you think employees should be as productive as you are?

I’ve got a solution on the Profitable Mindset Podcast today. Episode 170.

Tune in and learn the first step to fix this problem.

I think you’ll find the solution surprising.

It’s NOT that you have the wrong employees and have to fire them all and start over.

The BEAUTIFUL thing about this solution is – it’s 100% within your control.

Tune in and learn how to manage your employees and yourself when they aren’t working as hard or as efficiently as you.

You’re not alone.

And we can all fix this.

See you in episode 170.


“I started 5x Your Farm Sales last January 2022. My big goal was to double my income from the year before, which was my first year as a You-Pick.

With your help, I raised my prices and doubled my income from $16k to $32k!

I also tripled my email subscribers with the help of lead magnets.

The mindset work has been the most incredible change in my life. I’ve learned to recognize my thoughts and calm my mind.

In fact, just this week I had a big pressed flower project I was creating for a client and I kept putting off and moving to the next day.

I was stuck in a thought that it would be hard and I didn’t want to do something hard. But then I wrote out Circumstance, thought, feeling, action, result and I finally recognized it was because I had never done anything like it before and I was afraid to fail. When I wrote out the steps, it was easy and I knew how to do it. It turned out great and with little stress at all!

But I’ve also taught some of the mindset work to my 17- and 24-year-old daughters who both suffer from anxiety. When my 17-year-old was nervous about trying out for cheerleading last spring, I texted her a list of some positive thoughts like (I can do hard things, I know these skills and can execute them with excitement, etc.). I did the same for our 24-year-old before she went into a new job interview. It had tremendous results in their mind shifts from anxiety to confidence and they both succeeded!

Thanks for all the education! I’m excited to see what happens this year!”

~ Christine – 5x Your Farm Sales Member

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