#20: 4 Ways You Can Sell in the Winter
This can be a hard time of year for many farmers because it’s coooooold outside for most of the country. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could slow down, rest and enjoy indoor activities with the family? Instead, I’m getting emails saying “Help! My freezer is full of meat chicken/beef/milk (fill in the blank). The […]
#19: How to Build a Farm Business You Love
Do you enjoy selling some of your products, but dread others? Maybe you no longer look forward to going to the local farmers market only to make a few sales after dedicating 6+ hours of time on a Saturday and Sunday. But you keep doing it because you think you have to. How about […]
#018: How to Stop Worrying About the Farm
If it snows, no one will come to the farm and we won’t make money. Should we sell at the farmers market or invest in an on-site farm store? Should I take credit cards or cash only? How much do I charge? If I increase my prices, will I lose all my customers? Worry — […]
#017: How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety on the Farm
When was the last time you had a few hours to yourself? Alone. Quiet. Without interruptions? You’re probably rolling your eyes and thinking… yeah, right… that doesn’t happen. Stress. Burnout. Overwhelm. Ready to quit. Ring a bell? It gets to all of us. We’re constantly running around and working ourselves to the bone. Farmers […]
#014: Why Selling on Social Media No Longer Works
Is your social media “reach” down? Is no one buying on Facebook like they used to? Do you really need to be blogging? Is it necessary to have a website in this day and age? The social landscape of Facebook and Instagram have drastically changed in the past several years and “things aren’t what they […]
Farm Marketing from the Heart Interview with Chelsie Boles
Meet Chelsie, she has three young girls. She sells meat chickens, eggs and maple syrup. She didn’t have a marketing plan or strategy before she took Farm Marketing from the Heart. Chelsie enjoyed talking to people but her word-of-mouth marketing style had many dead ends that never panned out. She said it best, “Marketing… what […]
Farm Marketing from the Heart Interview with Cate Crawford
Meet Cate Crawford, a pastured pork and poultry farmer from New York. I’m so excited to share Cate’s success from Farm Marketing from the Heart because, in the beginning, Cate didn’t feel confident marketing. A common feeling, right? Here’s the thing: A lot of farmers aren’t confident marketing but you can’t let that stop you. […]
#013: How I Market My Farm in One Hour a Day
The #1 complaint I hear from farmers about marketing is “I’m too busy and can’t add one more thing to my plate. I just don’t have time for marketing.” Trust me, no one has time to fit in “one more thing” but I’m here to tell you marketing your farm is a must if you […]
#012: Mistakes I Made That You Can Avoid
Welcome to Q&A Day on the Profitable Mindset Podcast! When you’re new to farming and don’t know where to start the questions are endless. When first starting, what are the best cash-flowing products I should sell to hit the ground running and keep expanding? What’s the best way to draw in customers? Can you […]
#010: How to Find Customers That Will Pay Your High Prices (Part 2)
Part 1 was all about how to determine what price you should be charging. Part 2 is about the strategy you need to find customers willing to pay your high prices. Part 3 will be about how to raise your prices the right way so you don’t lose customers. You’re a business. You need to […]