Embrace these 2 mindsets and you will be successful.


Over the last year and a half we’ve graduated dozens of farmers from our marketing courses.

It’s so fulfilling to see them finally move toward sustainability and making money so they can continue getting their products to the people who need them so desperately!

If you are ready to take your farm to the next level it’s time to start thinking about going through our course the next go-’round and making changes now to be prepared.

farming, csa, eggs, pastured, raw milk, joel salatin, polyface, flower farmer, sustainable, ag, agriculture, hobby farm, homesteading, homemade

2 key mindset shifts crucial to marketing your products: 

The first is that you must embrace the mindset of giving in order to be successful.  

Not how much you can get, or where you find people to buy your stuff, but how much can you give to those people who need your products.

May seem counter-intuitive but this is actually the key shift you must make to sell more at your price you need.

You’ll hear in the video that by giving I don’t mean give your stuff away – I mean, give of yourself with your attitude, your thoughts, your smile, your knowledge, research, your welcoming personality — that all shines through every encounter you have with your customers and potential customers.

And then guess what?  They want to buy from you!  And only you!!  And they will keep coming back!

The second mindset I discuss is that if you focus only on the transaction at hand, such as – ‘yay, I just sold a dozen eggs and 20 lbs. of ground beef,’ then you’re missing out on a huge opportunity which I discuss at length in the vid.

It sounds too easy, like that isn’t what you’re looking for, you think you were looking for the next technique to sell all the eggs and milk you produced today!

But I’m here to tell you that is not going to help you succeed long term.

Watch the video, then head out to meet your next customer with the idea that you are building a long legacy of trust with that person.  See then how it plays out in your interaction and their loyalty.

You’ll be impressed.  You’ll feel the magic build in the interaction.  You’ll see them very soon, too.  And, as a result, you’ll sell all your stuff.

Click the vid below, then lets talk in the comments!

Your turn now!

Please scroll down below here to the comment section and share the biggest insight you just gained by watching this video and how you will implement this today.

Your insights help all of us when you share 🙂 be generous.

I’m so glad you are part of this community. I hope you are having an incredible year and I also hope I get to see you in the 3 Cow Marketing course so you can knock the socks off your customers!!

Warm wishes!!


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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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