#40: If you Feel Bad Charging What You Need To, This Will Help

15 years ago we started drinking raw milk, and as soon as we started drinking it, I noticed that my kids’ eczema (that they’d had for years) went away.

Then about a year later, our raw milk farmer just up and quit. He went out of business and his customers were left scrambling to find another raw milk source.

In talking with him, he said he just couldn’t make it work financially. Now I was paying $6 a gallon at the time, but I easily would have paid double.

I asked, “Why didn’t you increase the price?”

He teared up and said he didn’t think he could charge more and he just didn’t feel right asking his customers to pay more.

I share this story with you because I hear this story all the time.

Whether it’s in private messages or emails, or posts in one of my Facebook groups, I keep hearing that you don’t enjoy pricing your products for a healthy profit. You feel bad. You feel guilty. Some of you have even said you feel bad taking money for your products.

I want to help you because obviously you won’t have a business if you don’t make a profit. 

And if you don’t feel good making that profit, then you’re more likely to give up.

I don’t want you to give up on your dreams or your business, so in this week’s podcast episode, I’m talking about the value you offer your customers and I’m sharing a 3-step formula to help you intentionally design and market this value.

We’re really talking about business basics. You go into business to create something of value that people will gladly pay money – which also has value – for. This is how our economy functions.

If you’re going to build a profitable, successful, sustainable business, you’ve got to consider the value exchange and stop making pricing and selling mean anything about you.

You’ve got to realize that you are in business to exchange value for value.

Take you out of the equation. 

If you’re not sure of the unique value you offer customers or you feel bad charging what you need to, join me for episode 40 of the podcast.

When you listen to this episode, you’ll learn how to feel clear and confident in the value you offer, and even better, you’ll know how to market that value so that buying your products becomes a no-brainer for your customers.

When you figure out the value you’re offering to the right people– and the solution you provide with your products that you are selling– and you communicate that solution, people are ecstatic to be able to pay you money for that product.

I promise you.

Listen to the newest episode of Profitable Mindset now!

Much love,


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Work with Charlotte ONE-on-ONE privately here: https://www.3cowmarketing.com/workwithme/

Get the complete transcript by clicking HERE.

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