# 43: How to Clearly Define Your Roles on the Farm

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When I started my farm 11 years ago, I was a one-woman show. 

This lasted for about a month. After all, I had a dairy and was milking cows twice a day, seven days a week. With three kids at home, I realized I needed help.

I have a lot of farmers who come to me for help and part of the reason they’re overwhelmed is that they’re arguing with the reality that they can’t do all of the work and run the business.

No matter where you are in business – if you’re just starting out or if you’re five years in and wondering why you’re struggling so hard, this week’s episode is going to help you.

Now, when we first start our farms, we DO need to be the employee and the boss.

When I first started my farm, I would go out and milk the cows, 5:00 to 7:00 AM. Then I’d come in and get the kids off to school. Then I’d shower, sit down at my desk and do two, three hours of office work and make sure my store was set and ready for customers. So I moved between both, and often, when you first start out, you are going to be both.

However, in order to be profitable, you’re going to have to step more and more into the role of being the boss and learn those skills in order to move the business forward. 

And if you’re going to scale and build a profitable business, you need a team.

Even if you’re just starting out and don’t feel you can afford to hire support, it’s crucial to your success to be able to differentiate your role as boss vs. your role as an employee.

When we blur these roles together, we often end up doing tasks that seem important, but we’re not actually moving the business forward. Blurring these roles together is the reason why many people go out of business.

In this week’s episode of the podcast, we’re talking about the differences between your role as the owner of your business and your role as an employee of your business.

I’ll walk you through creating job descriptions, responsibilities, and expectations for each role. This process will help you move forward in your business whether you’re doing it all or are ready to hire employees.

Along with sharing practical tips that can help you start moving your business forward this week, I’m sharing the mindset shifts I work on with clients that will help you in each of these roles. Plus, I’m sharing the very first thing you need to do if you want to hire employees but don’t think you can afford to yet.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, listen to the newest episode of Profitable Mindset now!

Much love,


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Links Mentioned in the Episode

Work with Charlotte ONE-on-ONE privately here:  https://3cowmarketing.com/strategy

Get the complete transcript by clicking HERE.

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