Farm Website Case Study – tips you can use, too.

Last week Melissa from Tanglebloom Flowers emailed with some questions about her website. After checking out her beautiful site she designed I asked if I could answer her in a video with a few suggestions so we all could benefit! (Thanks, Melissa!!)

farming, small farm, sustainable, agriculture, joel salatin, csa, flower farmer, pricing, get more customers, women who farm, charlotte smith, raw milk, intense rotational grazing, hobby farm, homesteading, homestead, chickens, backyard

Websites that bloom…

First of all, you flower farmers are so lucky because you can create such spectacular, blooming websites!! Chicken breasts and a steak on a plate will never ever look as pretty as a bunch of pink and purple summer cosmos across your ‘About’ page!!

In the video below you’ll see & hear my notes on the following:

  • How Melissa can change up her menu bar in a way that will work better to make her more sales.
  • One big mistake that most people make and is losing you money.
  • How Melissa can use her website to retain and get more customers in her 6 month long-off season without worry that people will forget her.

Click below to watch & learn:

Have your own website questions?  Ask away and share in the comment section below!  We love to help.

Heart Centered Farm Marketing

And… “Heart Centered Farm Marketing” — our phenomenal online course is opening for registration on April 3rd!  Stay tuned  🙂

Wishing you spring blooms,


PS: Want to create as beautiful a website as Melissa has?  Here’s our free training that guides you step-by-step to create your own – click here. (bring your own cute baby-animal pics or lovely flower photos).

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