#108: How to Create a 5 Day Sales Launch For More Money/Less Work

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So far in 2022, I’ve had several farmers in my 5X Your Farm Sales Coaching Program make more money in one week than they made previously in months of marketing.

All because they’re learning how to create focused sales launches.
I taught a masterclass inside 5X Your Farm Sales this week and it lays out step-by-step how to do it. When you join in April that class is waiting for you!

Why do a 5-day sales launch?

When you limit sales to focused daily emails for a week, you create energy, momentum, and commitment for customers to buy.

These emotions make it easier for people to buy – so you end up making a lot more sales in that week, with more ease on your part, than if you emailed weekly for several months.

My clients are selling farm products, subscriptions, services, classes – everything sells better with a focused launch!

This means, after the 5-day sales launch, you can get back to trust-building.

This trust-building you do in between sales launches creates the result of customers buying anything you have to sell at the higher-than-average prices we need to charge as small independent business owners.

Listen to Episode 108 and learn the what/why/how particulars of the 5-day sales launch.

Then decide – who will you have to become to be a person who implements 5-day sales launches?

And THAT is what coaching is for – to up-level your brain to become skilled at following through on creating and executing marketing that works to bring you more sales than ever before.

Click the link above to learn all about 5 Day Sales Launches


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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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