#114: The Biggest & Most Costly Mistakes Farmers Make in their Marketing

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Now is the time for you to step up and be powerful in this world and make your farm profitable so you can be in it for the long run.

There are so many lives to be changed with your products and events.

What steals your success and keeps you from having the impact you want to have are decisions made from non-productive thoughts about your ability to market and your marketing.

Most of you create your marketing from non-useful thoughts like – it “will be easier to sell…”

  • With sales and discounts
  • Cheaper prices
  • If I find the right person to do my marketing
  • Lots of variety of products and bundles of products
  • Multiple offers in your newsletters for them to buy a variety of products/services
  • Or, you ask people what they want to buy and you decide what you’ll raise/grow/sell based on that

You choose your prices based on your “worth,” mistaking personal value with business value.

These un-useful/unproductive thoughts cause you to create unproductive marketing that doesn’t connect or sell.

Your farm is struggling.

So then you think you need to change website platforms, you think you need to add or change to a different breed or variety, causing even more money outflow and loss.

You soon don’t make enough sales of anything to get to profit.

I am coaching you to find your un-useful thoughts and change them, one negative thought at a time.

I’m doing this inside Farm Marketing Week – click HERE to join now.

The first-ever coaching of its kind.

3 days with me coaching you on the mindset and strategy of irresistible marketing.

This is a taste of what we do DAILY inside 5X Your Farm Sales – a free 3 days to help you decide on committing to changing your mindset, your marketing, and your bank account.

3 Days of up-leveling your life, completely free.

Join us HERE. 


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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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