148: How This Farmer Went From Wanting to Quit & Sell the Farm, to Now Feeling Successful and Connected.

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Today you’ll meet my client, Lara Scanlan, who has a diversified farm here in the Northwest.

>>Click “Play” below to Hear How Lara Shifts from Hopeless to Confident<<

When Lara first showed up for coaching, she was trying to raise all her own food AND sell to her community, and frankly, she thought something was wrong with her that she just couldn’t do it all.

She felt terrible and like she was a “bad” farmer, a failure that she was working very long days keeping the farm going but NOT making enough money to pay the bills.

It negatively impacted her marriage and her son’s life. They were thinking they had to sell the farm to have a pleasant family life again.

She “stumbled” into my coaching program, signed up as a last resort, and within 5 weeks has had so many profound shifts.

Now, the work is still hard, of course, but she has hope and confidence that she has all the resources through the coaching and marketing and time management programs to create a balanced and financially profitable life.

Today, she’s sharing her struggle to fulfill her life-long dream of farming but also the harsh reality that she’s got to learn how to make it profitable in order to stick with it long term.

And how coaching helped her make huge shifts just in the first weeks that will help her calm down, gain some balance, and stop trying to prove her worth.

Tune in to hear the profound shifts that moved her from questioning whether she should even be a farmer, contemplate selling the farm, and then move to accepting reality – and the awareness she CAN create the farm life she dreams of.

Click HERE to meet Lara and hear how she went from hopeless to confident.


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