#166: If You Ever Feel Disappointed in Your Sales, This Will Help

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It can be sooo disappointing when you spend months preparing for your busy season selling your flowers, meat, eggs, or farm events – all the things.

Then you send your sales emails and… it’s a big flop.

You don’t sell nearly what you thought you would.

It is so disappointing.

Maddening, even.

You put hours into getting your verbiage just right.

Therefore, you should’ve sold a lot more.

We’ve all been there.

And of course, I’ve got help on the Profitable Mindset podcast today.

You’ll learn WHY your sales weren’t what you expected.

In THIS episode, hear a few simple mindset shifts and strategy that will get you selling more consistently.

The farmers in 5X Your Farm Sales are focusing on this technique and it’s paying off.

You’re hearing farmer after farmer on the podcast sharing their success when they start implementing the mindset coaching we offer in the program.

You’ll get a taste of it in today’s episode – see you there.


“After making the changes you suggested for my 5 day email launch for our monthly meat subscription, I not only sold more than I had planned/hoped, I over sold our previous amount of subscriptions by 4 times!!

We quadrupled our number of subscriptions and sold out – all of this just after our third email was sent.

Because everyone but our returning subscribers are new customers, this results in additional income for us. A lot more income.

To put it in perspective, in a year’s time, this monthly amount of additional income becomes a 33% increase in sales $.

I’m still on cloud 9! Thank you for all your input/help.”

~ Gina – 5x Your Farm Sales Member

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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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