#167: Farm Marketing for Introverts: How to Sell When You’re NOT a People Person

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Marketing our farm products means we must connect with enough people to buy at a profitable price.

But this one idea, “connect with enough people” often paralyzes farmers.

As usual, I’ve got help.

Listen NOW to Overcome the Paralysis of Feeling Introverted.

Recently during Farm Marketing Week, I heard objections like:

  • People are so exhausting.
  • I know I should send sales emails, but I’m paralyzed
  • And the most painful, “Ugh do I really have to talk to people? I hate people.”

When you’re exhausted, paralyzed and uncomfortable dealing with lots of people, you don’t market.

You don’t sell enough products (or any at all).

You don’t make money.

Eventually, you give up. Or continue pumping money into your farm from your day job, hoping marketing will magically get easier.

But the hard truth is, if we’re going to run profitable farms selling direct-to-consumer, we HAVE to interact with people, there’s no way around it.

These online AND in-person interactions can be exhausting when you identify as an introvert, though.

Let me help make it easier for you.

Today’s episode on the Profitable Mindset Podcast will make engaging with customers something you can start to look forward to.

Listen above to Episode #167 – Farm Marketing for Introverts: How to Sell when you’re NOT a people person.

You’re going to learn:

  • The difference between being introverted & extroverted and why that’s important
  • My favorite technique to help you stop being worn out by people

This is the absolute best way to move your farm from “struggling to make ends meet” to thriving and growing and finally profiting!

And please – forward this email to your farmer friends who might need some encouragement when it comes to engaging with others and selling their products!




“Some successes to report:

Now I notice when I’m having thoughts that are not serving me or my farm. They are coming from a very human brain that evolved to see threats where there aren’t any. I’m able to instead choose different thoughts that are more aligned with reality and the person I want to be.

– I used to feel guilty about taking time for myself during busy farm days. But I’ve realized now from experience that those busy days are so much better when I take time to read a magazine or play music or call a friend — even for just 15 minutes.

– I sold nearly all our wool blankets through a 3-day email launch and didn’t have to bring any to a farmers’ market!

There are so many more successes, but I thought these would inspire others. As always, can’t thank you enough.”

~ Carrie – 5x Your Farm Sales Member

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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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