#154: My Most Successful Farmers Start Doing This Simple (but uncommon) Thing

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Building a profitable farm means constantly growing yourself and your skills.

And I don’t mean growing your cow-milking skills. Or your floral design skills.

>> Click HERE to Learn What My Most Successful Farmers Now Do <<

You see, your farm biz’ growth will never outpace your personal growth.

And most people’s personal growth reaches its limit in year one of building their farm.

But most farmers don’t realize this. They get stuck after a year or two, or five, not yet making the profit they expected, working way too many hours, but thinking it’s that they have the wrong website.

Or their farm’s just not in the best location. Or that people around them don’t appreciate their products.

You can’t work your way out of doing the personal growth work a profitable farm business requires of you.

Yes, in a way, your farm business is in charge here – it needs YOU to step it up and dive in and learn how to be a leader – and lead it to profit.

And you won’t do that unless you dive into personal growth – step one is on the podcast today – allowing feelings. Whaaa????

I know – many of you are wondering right now what feelings have to do with farming.

But when you learn what that is and how to do it – your farm business will blossom.

This IS the first step in growing yourself so your farm will grow – but it’s where many of us get stuck. Men and women both

 >>Click Here to Listen and Get Unstuck<< 

You see, most of us were raised in an environment that taught us to suppress our feelings, override our feelings, not trust our feelings.

But the problem is – feelings drive actions….

And your actions will create your profitable business.

This week on the Profitable Mindset Podcast, I’m teaching you about the most valuable mindset shift you can learn to make.

Today, I explain what it is in a way you can understand it –

Tune in to hear how to take this first step. THEN – if you’re in the 5x program – get coached on it this week!!

Let’s get you profitable. This is the first step.

>> Click HERE to Learn The First Mindset Skill Needed for a Profitable Farm <<


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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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