Click HERE For Farm Marketing Bootcamp Invite – Starts September 11th
It’s soo disappointing when you send an email or put up a social media post to sell your meat, milk, flowers, or vegetables.
And then crickets.
You don’t sell a thing.
Or at least, not as much as you expected.
You instantly feel frustrated. Or defeated. Or sad.
You make it mean you did something wrong, or it should’ve worked, and it didn’t and that’s a bad thing…
>>Click the link above to hear how I address this – and the fix, on the podcast today.<<
This is a totally normal and default reaction for lots of farmers.
But it’s super problematic.
Because when you try to sell, and you sell nothing, the way the brain works is then you’re stuck taking all sorts of un-useful actions.
You end up signing up for more work! Maybe you add a sales outlet like another farmers market or drop location or different packaging. Or you offer a discount.
The bottom line, if you don’t fix your default response to sales fails, you’ll do yourself and your farm in.
Eventually, you won’t make enough money for the work to be worth it.
>>Click the link above and tune into Episode 173 and learn how to recover quickly from sales fails<<
Let’s get your farm profitable.

“Since coaching with you, I feel much more comfortable in my role as a CEO and really try to train and coach my employees daily as I step back from doing the farm work all on my own.
Your new planner has helped me get more personal time each week.
Since I redesigned my website according to your training, I get way more subscribers than before and very regularly every week some new ones and this without any activity on social media. Just by blogging and emailing every week and caring for the existing customer base like you teach. Thanks a lot!”
~ Daniel – 5x Your Farm Sales Member