You’re doing many things, but not moving forward at the rate you should.
You’re sacrificing family time, but there’s no payoff for the constant sacrificing.
You’re not making the money you need or thought you should.
After teaching farmers to make money for over a decade, I’ve identified the top six tools needed to combat this and build a profitable and sustainable farm business.
Learning to build a profitable farm is not just about making money.
Sure, many of you can hustle and overwork to make money, but the stress and exhaustion are getting to you. Most farmers quit at this point.
You’ve got to learn to do it a different way. You can learn the skill of building a farm from a place of calm and balance.
If you don’t learn today to farm with this ease, balance, confidence, and good relationships, there’s no future place you get to (a certain amount of financial income, for instance) that will feel any better.
The brain does not work this way.
In this free training, I’ll share with you what does work.
You’ll learn how to access the tools that will help you fulfill your farm dreams. Your life dreams.
The farmers who implement these simple elements I teach are having financial success beyond anything they ever dreamed possible.
Many people think farming is not a lucrative endeavor.
My clients prove them wrong every day.
My clients are selling out, often at the highest prices around.
They’ve studied and coached hard with me to learn these tools.
I’ll teach these live on August 8th, at 10 AM Pacific. A replay will be sent out when you sign up if you can’t attend live. You can view this class through August 12th.
Learning and implementing the six tools on 8/8 will change your life. Your relationships. Your business.
When you attend the free training, learn the six tools, and commit to implementing them over the next year with me, here’s what my clients tell me is happening:
—“My relationship has never been better.”
—“We’re the highest price producer at the market and the only one that sells out consistently, thanks to what we learned from you.”
—“I’ve learned I can have time for myself daily, even amid this busy, demanding farm.”
And I will help you learn how to create that in your life, too.
Sign up and attend “Six Tools Farmers Need To Build A Profitable Farm” on August 8th.
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