#211: What’s Working — And Not — in Social Media Marketing Today

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Today’s episode will help you be prepared for my social media training coming up this summer inside Farm Marketing Bootcamp.

(Details to come in the next few weeks about that.)

For instance, have you heard the term “Pay to Play” on social media?

You’ll want to know what this means and why it’s crucial to play by the rules (or risk being shut down when you try to sell).

I cover that and several other strategies that can help you finally succeed in getting more customers from Instagram and Facebook, especially.

>>Tune in to Today’s episode of The Profitable Mindset Podcast<<

Social media is FREE to use, and almost every one of your potential customers is on there, so why’s it so darn frustrating to try to sell something using these platforms?

There’s a lot of skill involved in how to turn them into customers – skills you can learn.

I explain the serious drawbacks to advertising on social media—if you don’t understand them, you’ll struggle.

Once you understand the pitfalls and the possibilities – I’ve got some recommendations of what’s working TODAY, things you can implement right now on social media.

Please tune in, save yourself lots of money, and if you ARE spending money on ads, today’s episode will save you heartache.



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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

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