#214: How I Doubled My Farm Store Sales with this ONE Change

Click HERE – let’s meet and identify your biggest constraint holding you back from your profitable farm!

I sooo wish this info had been around 15 years ago!

The first two years on my farm, I had a self-serve farm store set up in my garage.

It worked to get me started selling, but if I’d known what I share with you today, I’d have done it differently from the get-go.

Today on the Profitable Mindset Podcast, I outline all the pros and cons of the different ways farmers sell their products.

(some of the cons are people pulling in at midnight and making the dog bark!)

Listen NOW to Learn the One Change I Made That DOUBLED our Store Sales

Any of the sales channels I review in this episode will work for you to build a profitable farm.

But after listening to the pros and cons, one might stand out to you as better than another.

You want to go with eyes wide open and know the pitfalls of each so you can be prepared.

Episode 214 will help.

Tune in. Let me know which one you’re going to choose.

Interested in 5x’ing your farm sales over the next 6 months?

But maybe you have questions or wonder if it’s for you?

Book some time on my calendar to decide to join us!

Click HERE and let’s meet up and see if my Farm Marketing Boot Camp is for you!

Registration opens September 9th.

Stay cool this hot August!!


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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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