#224: The Top Five Beliefs of Successful Farmers

Let’s Meet HERE to See if Farm Marketing Boot Camp, My 12 Week Coaching Program, Is For You

What if having a successful farm could be as simple as choosing to think differently?

You may be tempted to doubt, but please hang in here with me for a minute.

Today, on the Profitable Mindset Podcast, I shatter some of the biggest myths about what makes a successful farm.

For a decade now, I’ve interviewed and studied the successful farmers inside my coaching program.

I’ve made notes of what they’re doing that’s different than mainstream.

The BIGGEST difference between those who have calm and profitable farms and everyone else is that balanced, calm, profitable farmers consistently think and, therefore, act differently.

No matter how small or how big their farm.

No matter where they’re located or what kind of website they have.

They’ve curated a set of beliefs through coaching that allows them to build sustainable, profitable farms.

In today’s episode, I outline these beliefs that will create your success, too.

The farmers I study know without a doubt that the unique methodology we use inside the coaching boot camp is why they were able to let go of outdated beliefs that kept them stuck and believe useful and productive thoughts instead.

If you’d like my support in applying this unique methodology, Click HERE to see if you qualify.

Here’s to your farm success,🎉


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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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