#229: 3 Steps to Fix Every Mistake in Running Your Farm Business

Sign up and Attend Farm Marketing Week HERE – Free Marketing Coaching January, 2025

Imagine making a hideous mistake, like sending an email and dates are wrong, or a customer texts that their meat is tough or their flowers weren’t “enough.”😓

And then imagine that these mistakes and failures don’t even faze you.

Not that you don’t care – of course you want your marketing and products to be just right.

But imagine the fact that your stuff isn’t always perfect no longer derails you.

That’s how the farmers in my marketing Boot Camp feel when they implement this very simple 3 Step Process I teach and coach on almost every week.🤯

>>That 3 Step Process is on the Profitable Mindset Podcast Today. Tune in above.<<

When your day isn’t ruined by a dumb mistake or a big failure, you stay on track and reach success sooner. 

This process, borrowed from the Army, is the simplest way to start learning from every failure and mistake you make in your life, on the farm, in your marketing.

When you learn from your mistake or failure, you no longer stay frozen. You reach success faster.

It becomes so easy to click “send” on that email or to answer someone’s criticism online of your product, your farm, your service.

I know I used to shame-spiral for hours after saying or doing the wrong thing.

The problem with shame-spirals is they leave lots of destruction in their wake – for me, that was two glasses of wine every night to deal with the stress of the perceived mistakes and failures.🤦‍♀️

For others, it’s drowning their self-disappointment with over-scrolling or any other indulgent habit that doesn’t actually move you ahead.

This exercise is powerful and life-changing. It assures that every mistake or fail you have is actually a gem that moves you ahead.

👉I teach you how to find that gem above in episode 229 of the Profitable Mindset Podcast👈

Listen and learn “How to Fix Every Mistake in Running Your Farm Business.”

The other beautiful consequence of implementing this simple practice is that your self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-belief expand each time you do it.

And more confidence and self-esteem make your days and your relationships all that sweeter.

Here’s to feeling confident and living the sweetest, most fulfilling life ever.❤️

Much love,


PS: Farm Marketing Boot Camp is opening up for registration in January. 

Click HERE to join Farm Marketing Week, uplevel your marketing for free, and learn how Boot Camp can help.

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