#231: Lawyer Turned Farmer: Helping Others’ Dreams Take Root

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I’ve got a very special farmer for you to meet today on the Profitable Mindset podcast.

Brandy Keller has a law degree, is raising kids, and has now embarked on her dream of building a farm to help others connect and ground themselves.

YES, you heard right – she uses her farmland and animals to improve the world.

To give people enriching experiences, something that’s missing from so many of our lives in today’s busy world.

Her guests develop confidence and leadership skills during their time with the animals and the land.

Brandy’s a delight, and you’ll fall in love with her on the podcast!

Before she met me, this was all just an idea and a dream.

She realized if she never took the time to join my class and learn to actually focus on bringing her ideas to fruition, she’d never be able to help people in the way she desired.

So she joined my coaching program to gain the skills to make her dreams reality.

I love that I get to introduce you to all sorts of different kinds of farms on this podcast. 

The one thing they have in common? 

At some point, they realized that to make their dreams come true, they had to learn how to market and sell so they could be in business for the long haul, giving back to their communities just like Brandy.

If you have an idea or dream for your farm, then it’s meant to be! Let’s help you sprout the seed and grow it in 2025!

Two things you can do now –

➡️Listen to Brandy’s Interview above.

➡️Click HERE to sign up for FREE Marketing Help in Farm Marketing Week

Let’s get YOU inspired to make your farm dreams come true this year.

Cheers to 2025!


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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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