#30: 3 Ways You Can Eliminate Overwhelm on the Farm

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Overwhelm. It’s a powerful word with a lot of meaning behind it.

It’s defined as “bury or drown beneath a huge mass. Defeat completely. Give too much of a thing to (someone); inundate.”

So it would make sense that you see yourself drowning under a huge mass of farm projects and things to do which makes you feel overwhelmed.


3 Ways You Can Eliminate Overwhelm on the Farm

Then it would also make sense that you feel completely defeated by your circumstances and the huge to-do list that haunts you.

And I can see why you feel this way, but to me, overwhelm is a feeling, it’s not something that happens “to” me.

There’s a huge difference in feeling paralyzed by your circumstances and feeling like you have full control over your thoughts.

And, on the Profitable Mindset Podcast, I explain the difference and how you can eliminate overwhelm once and for all.

After you listen to the full podcast episode you’ll feel a sense of freedom that only a few are able to experience.

You’ll feel ready and able to challenge your to-do list head on versus feeling trapped and stuck by your circumstances.

It’s a refreshing way to see the world and I know we could all use a little help in that department these days.

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Links Mentioned in the Episode

Work with Charlotte ONE on ONE privately here: https://www.3cowmarketing.com/workwithme/

Sign up for free coaching webinar:  https://3cowmarketing.com/coaching

Get complete transcript by clicking HERE

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