#78: 3 Steps to Get Better Results with your Social Media Marketing

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Just the thought of needing to post on Facebook or Instagram daily can spin us farmers out in stress.

I’m told daily things like:

  • “I never know what to post!”
  • “Who am I to tell them to buy my stuff?”
  • “What if I turn people off?”

Sound familiar? I can confidently say that everyone shares the same struggle at one point or another. Because here’s the thing, friend…

As effective as Social Media CAN be to make lots of sales, it also holds a whole lotta power over us.

​Social Media has the power, by design, to trigger stress and anxiety, addiction-like behaviors, and feeling like everyone else is doing it right on social media and you’re not!

Yes, sitting with phone-in-hand trying to come up with the perfect caption for the day – is designed to trigger your fight or flight response.

The problem is when you go into fight or flight your brain shuts down which means – you can’t come up with the right thing to say and you’re scared of rejection!

If you’re reading this with eyes wide and heart pounding because I’m describing YOU – You need help ASAP.

But don’t panic! The good news is that social media is not happening TO you.

But you’re going to have to put in some work to train your brain how to confidently and effectively combat the social media triggers that are wired in place right now.

In THIS episode I’m going to teach you 3 Steps To Get Better Results With Your Social Media Marketing! Aka. gain your POWER back.

Why? Because you deserve it, your business is counting on it, and your customers need to hear from you.

Pretty soon, your life is going to feel so relaxed and calm, EVEN THOUGH your stress and anxiety-inducing situations may not have changed.

But since you’ve learned and practiced how to manage your thinking around it, it no longer affects you negatively! GREAT NEWS! You are now managing your mind, vs. your stressed mind running the show.

The 🔑 : Practice doesn’t make perfect. Practice makes progress. You just have to start.


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Links Mentioned in the Episode

Work with Charlotte ONE-on-ONE privately here:  https://3cowmarketing.com/strategy

Get the complete transcript by clicking HERE.

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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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