#95: How This Flower Farmer Made 5 Times Her Sales. Working Fewer Hours. With Ease.

Learn to 5X Your Farm Sales in LESS Time Here:


There is a process to managing your time so you can build a profitable farm.

Everyone can learn it. But very few (if any?) are teaching it.

Until now.

The 5X Your Farm Sales Coaching Program for farmers has mastered the process of teaching you to calm your mind and life down so you can focus on getting to profit.

Lori Hernandez has learned this process working with me over the last year and made MORE money working fewer hours than ever.

Hear her story on the podcast today, then join her in learning how time is created and applying it in your life.

Like so many of you, Lori came to me overwhelmed by everything that had to be done on her farm.
She spent her days frantic, harried, working LONG days and still not feeling accomplished at the end of her days.

She was sacrificing her family life – working from home on the farm, but feeling guilty she was not at all present with her husband and kids.

She knew she and her family would continue to suffer if she didn’t change something in the way she was spending her days.

She joined my program a year ago and learned how to create margin in her lives, how to create breathing room between farm projects, and discovered 10-20 more hours in each week doing so.

She now has Sundays & Mondays off and part of Saturdays.

Now THAT ^^^ is unheard of among farmers.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

You can learn the same skills Lori learned that made her more money than ever this season working fewer hours than ever before.

You learn this when you join 5X Your Farm Sales.

We start with “Master Your Time, Master Your Life” where you’ll learn to create time and go through your days with calm and balance.

You’ll take your marketing to the highest level by studying Advanced Marketing Strategies.

You’ll have my ongoing coaching support each week.

You’ll become a thought leader.

You’ll become a mature business owner.

You’ll set goals and deadlines and strategically plan and execute them.

You’ll finish your day at the reasonable time you pre-determine and you’ll be a person who follows through on this commitment to yourself.

No matter how many times you’ve studied my work, my marketing courses, my time management processes, you need to constantly re-apply this information.

Because the process never changes, but YOU change and you must hone the process.

We work together for one year. Many clients return year after year as they grow and fine-tune themselves and their farms.

You are invited to join 5X Your Farm Sales and master this process of calming your life down, creating more time and building your profitable farm.

See you inside.


Listen to how Lori went from sacrificing time with her family to thinking like a leader in her business.

THEN CLICK HERE to join her and me in learning and applying the process.

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