#72: The First Step in Attracting GREAT Customers

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Most people come to me with a version of this question once they start their farm;  “How do I find more customers and how do I keep them coming back so we can continue growing or get profitable?”

Although it might seem like the right approach, this is actually the wrong question to ask and the wrong mindset to have. Once you become aware of the mindset that’s keeping you stuck, then you can start to change it. When you shift your mindset, guess what? The right customers start showing up. 

If you can shift your mindset, only then are you going to be able to grow a farm that spans generations and create a legacy that you’ve dreamed of. You will create something that can be carried on to the next generation. 

In this episode, I’m talking all about:

  • How emotions are fuel like gas in your gas tank. You got to have the right fuel to drive the action. 
  • If you’re filling your emotional gas tank with a sense of neediness, grasping or desperateness, you’re going to repel customers. 
  • Even when you have no customers, you can create feelings or fuel of certainty. From that place of certainty, you will attract customers. 
  • When you practice relationship-based marketing then your customers feel like they’re important to you. 
  • Why you should practice saying “My farm produces a product that is transforming lives. It is my obligation to get my products in front of people today.”

I am also sharing the MOST IMPORTANT question that you SHOULD be asking in order to grow and build a profitable farm. 

This is the first part of a multi-part series all about how marketing and mindset work together. Over the next few weeks, I will be teaching from my book, Farm Marketing From the Heart. The next few episodes are going to shift your thinking so that you will have the foundation to be successful and hit the ground running.

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Links Mentioned in the Episode

Work with Charlotte ONE-on-ONE privately here:  https://3cowmarketing.com/strategy

Get the complete transcript by clicking HERE.

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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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