3 Mistakes That Will Cost You Farm Store Sales

Does this happen to you on the farm? You find random “customers” in your house looking for milk, meat or products you sell. You find people going beyond fenced areas on your property. Customers think your farm store is open 24/7. Theft. You find cars and trucks on open pastures that don’t belong there. Customers […]

3 Ways to Sell That Will Keep You Profitable

For most farmers selling is a struggle. This skill doesn’t come naturally to most of us. We have to work at getting comfortable, with the uncomfortable. And let me be totally honest with you. If you don’t learn how to sell, you’ll be out of business before you start. Fortunately, selling is a skill you […]

How this Farmer Transformed with ‘Farm Marketing from the Heart’

Recently I had the pleasure to sit down with Carla Phillips of Phillips Family Farm, a neighbor a few towns over, here in Oregon. Listen in as she shares her wisdom and insight with you, as we chat about what her farm looked like before she built her marketing strategy, vs. how her farm looks […]

What You Need to Know About Product Mark-Up vs Margins

In my ceaseless quest to help more farms thrive and become profitable AND stay in business, this week I had the privilege of interviewing Kevin Fort of Regenerative Business Institute, a tax accounting, and business strategist firm where several of his clients are farmers. Kevin lives in Gilbert, Arizona, with his wife and kids and in […]

How to Write A Profitable Marketing Email

  When you first decided to start your farm, I bet you were so excited to bring in the first crop of veggies, bring home your first animal, or welcome your first customers. You planned everything to the last detail, overjoyed that you were living your dream of feeding your family off the land. But […]

The 5 Types of Customers and How to Reach Them

Have you ever felt like you’re doing everything you can to let people know about your products, but still not enough people are buying from you? Or perhaps you have lots of buyers but your prices aren’t where they need to be, you’re not making a profit yet, and you’re afraid to raise your prices? This is a […]

Blog Post: How to Write a Profitable Email

Imagine being stuck with 60 old hens that aren’t laying eggs anymore — they’re just taking up space and eating expensive feed. You have to buy new chicks, but it’s going to be a big bill and you’d like to have a little cushion before they mature and egg productions gets back up to normal. […]

How Writing A Kindle Book (it’s easy!) Will Make Your Farm More Profitable

I wrote a book!! It’s still hard to believe, but it’s true! It’ll be published on Kindle on June 13th. If you’ve ever thought about writing a book, I’m here to tell you it’s totally figure-out-able and is an amazing marketing tool for your farm. Join My Book Launch Team If you’re interested in watching […]

Farm Website Case Study – tips you can use, too.

Last week Melissa from Tanglebloom Flowers emailed with some questions about her website. After checking out her beautiful site she designed I asked if I could answer her in a video with a few suggestions so we all could benefit! (Thanks, Melissa!!) Websites that bloom… First of all, you flower farmers are so lucky because […]

Build your Farm Website in One Day – Free Training

This has been a loooong time coming! (jump to the free training here or read on to get the full scoop!) I LOVE farming. I LOVE animals. Customers. Dirt. Farm smells. LOVE it all!! And I also love teaching other farmers how to sell and get their farm thriving instead of just sucking up cash […]