#40: If you Feel Bad Charging What You Need To, This Will Help

15 years ago we started drinking raw milk, and as soon as we started drinking it, I noticed that my kids’ eczema (that they’d had for years) went away. Then about a year later, our raw milk farmer just up and quit. He went out of business and his customers were left scrambling to find […]

#39: 10 Year Plan That Will Ensure Your Business Profits

Schedule your FREE strategy session here: https://3cowmarketing.com/strategy When I started my business, I winged it at first… I didn’t understand that I’m the one who decides how much money I make. It really wasn’t until year 2 or 3 when I started to create a plan. And guess what… when I started planning, I knew exactly […]

#34: How to Continue Marketing When You’re Sold Out

Farm Marketing Course Self-Study:  https://courses.3cowmarketing.com/farm-marketing-self Book a free strategy session here: 3cowmarketing.com/strategy My son is a U.S. Marine. I remember when my son went to the Marine Corps Bootcamp. It was tough. I watched video after video of what he was going through each week in training. Many times with tears in my eyes! I […]

#32: A Solution to Feeling Unappreciated and Undervalued

 Trying to decide if 1-on-1 coaching with Charlotte is right for you? Click here to book a free strategy session or 👉 http://3cowmarketing.com/strategy It feels like farmers are overworked and underpaid more than any other industry because I hear it every week on coaching calls. The long hours are hard. It’s a thankless job […]

#29: How to Lose Everything on Your Farm and Still Come out Ahead​

  Sign up for the free coaching webinars I’m holding for April and May: https://3cowmarketing.com/coaching I went through something during my high-school years that shaped my whole life. This series of events could have taken me down a bad path of negativity, failure, and sadness if I had let it. And frankly, I’m pretty sure […]

#28: How to Retain New Customers After the Pandemic is Over

  FREE Group Coaching Here: 3cowmarketing.com/coaching Free private strategy session: https://calendly.com/csmith3cow/strategy-session Listen to Episode #26 here: https://www.3cowmarketing.com/episode26/ I’ve heard a lot of farmers recently say things like, “I hope all these customers that are buying from us right now remember us when this pandemic is over.” Part of me is so happy to hear that […]

#26: Why Delivery Will Save Your Farm During a Quarantine

 How to Stay In Business Through These Trying Times We are in trying times, right now aren’t we? Corona is affecting all of us, all over the world (not just our farm or our town or our country… all of us). During this time of quarantine, getting your products into the hands of the […]

#25: How MORE Self-Care Brings Your Farm MORE Profit

As farmers, we put ourselves on the bottom of the to-do list, don’t we? Like at the very bottom. Self-care is never a priority when there is so much to do, right? Self-care feels like a luxury that only the “rich” get to experience. And I’ve heard from the men, too, it’s not limited to […]

#24: How to Overcome Your Obstacles with Time Management

Get 5X Your Farm Sales HERE.   Busy, busy, busy… We live in a world where everyone is busy running around from place to place, doing one thing after another. We help our neighbors, aging parents, young children, farm animals that need tending to, all to be left with an empty tank at the end […]

#21: How Self-Confidence Will Help You Accomplish More

We all want more confidence, right? To feel better in our skin… To like who we are… To accomplish more in less time… To send sales and marketing emails to customers… To raise our prices and actually show a profit at the end of the year… Most people think it’s about a new strategy or […]