#37: 2 Big Reasons Your Business Might Fail

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April came to me for coaching last week because the local slaughterhouse canceled her processing appointments for her cows and hogs.

She confirmed and reconfirmed with the butcher so I can understand why she was feeling pretty hopeless.

As a result of this hopeless feeling, she had looping thoughts like “I should’ve done a better job” and “why am I even doing this” and generally tearing herself down for this bad news.

She needed help getting past these looping thoughts because she was not getting her other work done on the farm, she was snapping at others and feeling crappy for days on end.

We never go into business expecting to fail — yet 80% of us will fail by year 2.

IF you make it through the first 5 years of your business, your chances of surviving increase significantly for the long term.

But here’s the deal – success NEVER happens by chance.

It’s a choice and a mindset that you create!

Today’s episode of the Profitable Mindset is all about how to plan ahead for the inevitable rejection, confusion, fear, and doubt that you’re GUARANTEED to experience in the first few years of business.

With only 2% of small businesses making it to the 5-year mark, you’re going to want to go ALL IN on planning with intention and how to handle certain failures and challenges.

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Links Mentioned in the Episode

Work with Charlotte ONE-on-ONE privately here: https://www.3cowmarketing.com/workwithme/

Get the complete transcript by clicking HERE.

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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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