# 50: Why You Need to Set HUGE Money Goals on Your Farm

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A lot of farmers complain they can’t make money on a farm.

And the truth is – most farmers DON’T make any money, or at least enough to even cover expenses.

Most (98%) go out of business.

But here’s what I know. It’s not that you can’t make money on a farm. It’s that you haven’t learned how.

And by “how” – I don’t mean the actions you have to take – most people are repeating all the same actions they see other farmers doing and wonder why the same actions aren’t working for them.

Making money in any business including farming starts with knowing how you’ve got to be thinking.

It’s NOT the actions you take that makes you profitable. That’s what most people think and do – and that’s why they’re failing.

Let me teach you how to think about money so you can finally get profitable. There IS a profitable mindset. Time to embrace it!

I know from my own experience and the experience of my many clients that you CAN learn how to build a profitable farm.

In Episode 50, I’m going to teach you the first step to making as much money as you want on your farm.

Here’s what I want you to remember: Setting a money goal is not really about the money.

After all, you reach a point where you don’t need money to have more things.

Rather, I set money goals in my business because of the person I have to become in order to reach my goals.

Here’s what I know – in order to reach each any new goal I set in my life, I’ve had to become a new version of myself.

Maybe that means I become more disciplined, more focused, a better communicator. THAT is the huge payoff. Better relationships with myself and others – priceless!

When you join me for episode 50, you’ll learn:

  • How to set goals that challenge you to reach a new level
  • The real reason you’re not making money (or not reaching your goals)
  • The mindset skills you’ll need to reach your goals every time
  • The truth about what it takes to up-level and reach huge goals

What I’m teaching in this episode is exactly what I’ve done to build a profitable farm with ease. And when you learn and apply these skills, the same can be true for you.

If you’re ready to take your farm business to the next level, take a little time to listen to this powerful episode.

Much love,


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Links Mentioned in the Episode

Work with Charlotte ONE-on-ONE privately here:  https://3cowmarketing.com/strategy

Get the complete transcript by clicking HERE.

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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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