How 2 Flower & Veggie Farmers “Market from the Heart”

Say hello to Lori Jo and Mary Margaret…

They’re students inside, Farm Marketing From the Heart, which is open for enrollment until Friday, March 22nd, midnight.

Lori Jo is a flower farmer from Michigan.

She’s an avid learner and has taken quite a few courses at this point.

When she took FMFH she was brand new to flower farming and wanted to make sure she had the foundation for success BEFORE she started investing tons of time and money into the farm life.

Today, she has a thriving farm filled with beauty and awe.

And Lori Jo doubled her sales from last season to this.

Her customers love visiting and always tell her how much they enjoy picking from her gorgeous gardens.

Lori Jo has taken what she learned from Farm Marketing from the Heart and applied it wholeheartedly.

If you’re a flower farmer that’s just getting started and doesn’t know where to begin, Lori Jo’s story is perfect for you.

Now, I’d like you to meet Mary Margaret.

She’s a mom and vegetable farmer at Ripley Farm.

She and her husband have been able to grow their farm slowly for ten years, but they were always looking for new customers.

Sounds familiar, right?

Once she took the FMFH, she was able to double her CSA and sell out in one email.

The results have been amazing for her and her family.

If you’re a flower, vegetable, meat or dairy farmer, this type of marketing from the heart — WORKS.

Marketing doesn’t have to be a difficult or “something you have to do,” it can be fun, easy and give you the income you deserve.

Click here to join the course.

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