Prepare an Udder Like A Pro

I’ve got something BRAND new for you if you’re a new farmer… or even within the first few years of business.

Be sure to listen to my new podcast “25 Steps to Start and Setup Your Farm Business.”

#001: 25 Steps You Need to Start Your Farm Business (Part 1)

If someone had given me this list when I started over 10 years ago, my raw milk dairy would have been profitable sooo much sooner!

Now – let’s dive in to preparing an udder for milking.

I know you face a big learning curve in many areas of the US when you decide to get a milk cow and produce raw milk for your family and maybe others, too.

There is no “Milking University” or “Producer Preschool” to answer even the most basic questions.

Come inside our barn in this short video answering some of the most common questions I get asked.  Please view it and then share with me what you learned and what other questions you have. This is your place to connect with other producers as well!


Now it’s your turn!! Please leave a comment below sharing questions and what you learned, and forward this to everyone you know who’s milking a cow or has mentioned they might want to get one.

Thank you for watching and sharing your day with me!



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