This Farmer’s Method For “Paying It Forward” to Grow Her Business

Have you ever met someone and immediately thought of someone else in your circle you’d love to introduce her to?

That’s how I felt when I met Melissa Miller of Ladybell Farms in Maine who’s also the Education Director at the National Farmer’s Union.

Which is why I asked her if I could interview her live in our private FB group – so I could introduce this inspirational powerhouse to you!

The “Joey Bouquet”

Melissa and her family suffered tragedy six years ago when her brother passed away, and then her father tragically followed 6 weeks later.  She explained to me how the smallest gestures in her community meant so much to her and her mother in their grief.  Actions as simple as buying her a soda and calling just to say “hi.”

So when she began Ladybell Farms she knew she wanted to serve her community with her products, and in looking for ways to give back to this community that supported her, she came up with this brilliant idea, the “Joey Bouquet” named after her brother, Joey.

For every third bouquet a customer purchases through her CSA they get to choose someone in the community to give the fourth “Joey Bouquet” to, donated as a gift from Ladybell Farms.

Since Melissa doesn’t ship, she keeps on hand connections all over her community that she can call on to provide her names of community members, perhaps even someone in the local hospital, who could use a bouquet to brighten their spirits.

This has grown so popular she has people calling from out of state just to send a “Joey Bouquet” to a perfect stranger and pay it forward!

How Can You and I “Pay It Forward?”

What beautiful, deep, lasting connections Melissa is making in her community, which in turns supports her small farm!  And a super inspiration to all of us – I’m thinking of ways I can use the “Joey Bouquet” idea of paying it forward with my eggs or meat products!

I hope you’ll watch the video and hear more about the “Joey Bouquets” as well as:

  • Melissa’s Number One piece of marketing advice she gives to beginning farmers
  • If you’re like me, always hoping to squeeze in a gym workout but not always succeeding, you’ll be inspired by her workout regimen that allows her to run 50-mile races and then go farm!
  • Hear Melissa’s ideas for finding an instant community of 200 potential customers that will be loyal to you because of your connections!

Remember, your community needs your unique contribution.  What can you do to get in front of the people that need your products the most?

Join in the conversation over in The Profitable Farm private FB group if you’re not already there!

Thank you for reading and sharing,

xo Charlotte

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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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