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On New Year’s Eve 2021 Arlene found her freezer full of hogs and the new hogs were headed to the butcher.
She needed space.
She needed them SOLD and gone.
She’d been in my program for a while, she had her email marketing in place, and had learned to nurture her list.
But hadn’t been focused on talking about hogs, so was hoping to at least sell a half-hog and free up even a tiny bit of space.
She put together a quick email to send before her NYE gathering and forgot about it.
Imagine her surprise after midnight when she decided to check on the email before going to bed – tears rolled down her cheeks when she realized she sold every last hog!
Selling out with one email gives her even more confidence knowing she can sell every last thing on her farm – just by changing her thoughts. By intentionally practicing thoughts that serve her by driving the action of making sales.
She and her husband are finally making money and now feel blessed to be spending time building their dreams instead of just trying to make ends meet.
She used to have to juggle the bills and decide which she should pay this month and which she could put off till next month.
Now, life has become so fulfilling for their family – “I’m very aware how much I’m changing customers’ lives by what we’re doing.”
“We’re giving life to our community, our people.”
“Our local farm community has seen us become profitable and they’re asking us what are we doing – how did we become profitable? And they’re seeing hope that they, too, can learn mindsets that will get them to profit.”
Arlene says, “I’m an example of what’s possible to all the farmers around us! I’m giving them hope there’s a better way.”
“Now I’ve created so much demand through using your marketing mindsets and strategies that I have to get coached on the new problem of finally making money and dealing with all this success!”
Click the button above to listen to Arlene’s powerful interview today on the Profitable Mindset Podcast.
Sign up for FREE coaching during Farm Marketing Week HERE.