#124: How this mom of 6 Went from Frazzled to Fulfilled Farming With Family

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Today is a very special story of transformation of an extended farm family.

-Click the link above to hear about how Rachelle, her husband, and her father-in-law have improved their lives dramatically on the farm.-

Rachelle has 6 kids UNDER 7.

As if that’s not a big enough job, she often milks cows in the afternoons.

She farms with her husband – they own the farm 50/50 with her in-laws, so there’s the added pressure of doing business with extended family.

Before she came to me for help, they were exhausting themselves, doing all the farming and selling, working hard chasing every dollar.

She had no boundaries with her husband, family, or customers and found herself in constant reaction mode, running all over the place doing deliveries and anything that demanded her time.

You can also watch the video HERE:

Rachelle knew that at this pace, they’d NEVER get caught up and would never have enough time to do what they needed to do to build a sustainable life and business.

Rachelle knew she needed better time management.

She also knew she needed to learn to value herself more to take better care of herself and her family.

(So many of us as women are taught NOT to value ourselves; instead, everyone and everything else comes first – this keeps us feeling terrible in life.)

Fast forward 16 months or so later, and Rachelle looks, sounds, and feels like a new woman.

The other farmers inside the 5X Coaching program have witnessed her growth and change and the calming down of her life, too.

Rachelle is an inspiration for ALL of us.

She’s an example of what’s possible when you decide to shift your thinking and learn to create NEW results in your life.

Click the link above to learn the crucial mindset shifts she made that have shifted her husband and father-in-law for the better.

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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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