#129: Two Crucial Steps The Most Successful Farmers Add To Their Days

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I was raised to believe that I had to “earn” or “deserve” time off.

I was taught I had to get it all done, or most of it, or get everything/everyone taken care of…

…before I could take a break.

And I hear it in the way you talk about your life that you may have been raised the same way.

It took me 50 years of overworking and exhausting myself, making myself sick, to figure out how to change that belief and start giving myself a break.

==> Click the link above to learn two things that will make you feel delighted to give yourself a break <==

If you don’t learn how to turn this around – that belief – that you have to earn or deserve time off – is going to keep you NOT making money on your farm.

Not to mention, keeping you feeling unfulfilled, wondering if this is all there is, or if you’re missing something.

I teach hundreds of farmers a year how to create 10-20 more hours in their week.

Not by overworking the rest of the week — and then falling into exhaustion.

But 10-20 more hours in their weeks — while feeling spacious and abundant.

And it starts with the last 2 steps on the podcast today.

These skills my clients learn to do to create more time in their lives are probably the exact opposite of what you think is going to work.

==> Click the link above to learn two things that will create MORE time in your day <==

You might not believe that it’s this simple.

But my clients tell me every day in emails or in the Facebook group that it’s MAGICAL that they actually created lives where they have a luxurious amount of time each week.

I want this for you, too.

Listen to Episode #129 of the Profitable Mindset Podcast and change your life.



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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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