#172: The Two Biggest Mistakes You Make When Trying To Make More Money

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Last week a farmer showed up for coaching stressed because she isn’t making enough money to hire enough help.

She feels like she’s on a hamster wheel, wearing herself out but not getting anywhere.

She was even wondering if she should just quit, it seemed hopeless to her that she could ever make enough money.

I know you get this! And I’ve got you. I’ve coached on this a hundred times in the 5x program and the solution is on the podcast today.

Listen to Episode 172 on the Profitable Mindset Podcast

One of the beautiful benefits of the 5X Coaching program is that business coaching on this topic is always available. It’s a click away.

In about 15 minutes we sorted through why she was wearing herself out and how to fix it.

Before we solved the problem, she was trying to do two things that most of you do when you need to make money.

These two things DON’T work and I explain why on the podcast.

It seems logical that they should work, but I’ve been doing this work with farmers for a decade and there’s only ONE way to make more money in situations like this.

Tune in so you can get your farm profitable, too.

So many farmers don’t do the personal development work to get profitable, so then they think it’s not possible to build a profitable farm.

It absolutely is possible but you’ve got to grow yourself and your skills.

There’s no way around that step. It’s hard work. The hardest work you’ll do is to grow and develop yourself – and then your farm.

But remember – I’ve got you. I teach you how step by step.

See you in Episode 172.

Then, be ready to join 5x Your Farm Sales when it opens for registration on August 8th.


“Seriously because of the one coaching call you gave me on my flower subscription launch, I had enough money in my bank account in January to: buy all the seeds and plugs I needed for the season, invest in a new small building where we can organize all of our tools and supplies, pay for another year of 5X and have enough to cover payroll until the season gets going. All of that and I still do not have a single flower blooming yet.

~ Colleen – 5x Your Farm Sales Member

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I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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