Click HERE For Farm Marketing Bootcamp Invite – Starts September 11th
Last week a farmer requested coaching because she was drawing a total blank when it came to writing emails and social media posts to market her beef.
This didn’t just happen once, it was happening week after week.
You know what happens when you’re stuck not writing sales emails and posts?
You don’t make any, or enough, sales to pay the bills.
But it feels so REAL that you don’t have anything to say when it’s time to write.
This is a super sneaky mental habit that keeps farmers stuck when they try to sell their products.
It’s not true at all – that you don’t know what to say. But it feels true.
That’s the power of coaching – you show up feeling so stuck, and within minutes, the coaching technology I use gets you unstuck. Soon, you’re unstoppable.
We coached for 10 minutes and she inspired the most perfect marketing email – that you can copy word for word.
Just listen to today’s episode, learn the process to get unstuck, then use my email I wrote right on air for her.
If you EVER get stuck not knowing what to say or what to post, this episode is for you.
You’ll learn my exact process to:
- Get instant clarity on what to write about
- Make quick, confident decisions during your marketing time
- Know *for sure* when you’re on the right path

“My big success was I sold out on the 30 steers I have available to sell in my very first 5 day launch – that’s over $100,000 in beef!
Couldn’t have done it without your help with rewriting my emails. I’m getting ready to send out another 5 day beef launch because we’ve found more animals to sell. I’m actually looking forward to next week when it drops and not dreading it like I always used to in the past because I’ve changed my mindset from feeling guilty about taking people’s money to being grateful I can serve them in this way.
I’m telling all farmers about you and the program. I hope some of them sign up for your free marketing week 🙂
~ Sarah – 5x Your Farm Sales Member
P.S. Know someone who’s stuck not knowing what to say in their farm’s marketing? Forward them this email. They’ll thank you for it!