#187: This Farmer Took My Coach Training, Now Makes More Money Than Ever, AND Replaced Her Nursing Job Income

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Laura Patterson owns a microgreens farm in Washington state.

She started her farm so she could quit her nursing job that sucked the life out of her.

But she couldn’t get her business to make enough money to replace her income.

She was stuck. Trapped. She felt desperate to make money.

Hear Laura’s strategy here for quitting her day job:

It seemed impossible to get her farm to replace her income.

Then Laura found the coach training I offer and learned how to make her business profitable.

She quit her nursing job.

Through coaching, she turned around her business AND her family life.

She used to feel constantly frantic.

Now she feels calm, content and peaceful.

And she’s making money. Calmly handling the challenges of farm and family.

Laura implemented all the skills she learned in coach training. It was life changing.

It wasn’t an overnight process.

But it did happen over the last few years.

A year ago she joined my coach training program.

Being coached by me changed her whole life, so she wanted to learn the same techniques to continue improving her life, relationships, and business for the better and use the skills with everyone around her.

To make a difference in people’s lives.

Now she’s a certified coach.

She’s making money doing the most rewarding and valuable work she can possibly imagine.

Laura’s message to anyone wanting to feel better in life and improve their business:

“The investment is so worth it.

You have one precious life.

Life will go by so quickly.

You can shift now and make it so much more meaningful.

I’m making a LOT more money but what’s more profound is how much better I feel and my family.

Charlotte, your coach training is so good – there’s nothing like it out there. It’s fantastic.

I’m thankful to you for training me so I can have this exponential impact out in the world.”

~Laura Patterson

I only have 10 spots left in coach training that starts in December and runs through May. One hour a week.

Become the CEO of your life – and your farm.

Coaches in the training say it’s the best investment they’ve every made in their life.

Click HERE to join and grab a spot in this small, focused leadership program.



Read About and Secure Your Spot HERE.

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