#194: How and Why It’s Crucial to Pay Yourself on your Farm

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Many farms run on the free labor of women.

To be fair, men aren’t immune, either.

When was the last time you got a paycheck from your farm?

>>Tune into How and Why It’s Crucial to Pay Yourself on your Farm<<

Working for free on the farm was modeled for me growing up.

Mom drove truck all day long during wheat and grass seed harvest with us 3 kids bouncing around on the long bench seat (seatbelts were non-existent.)

She did the books and the payroll. All for free.

Not to mention, mom kept the household going year ‘round.

She never got a paycheck from the farm.

When I started my own farm in 2009, writing myself a check wasn’t a priority.

But I quickly realized I had to figure out how – it was my sole source of income to pay the mortgage!

If I wanted to keep my kids’ home, I had to learn the skill to pay myself on my farm.

Don’t just hope you’ll get to a point you get paid someday.

“Hope” doesn’t write the paychecks.

Paying yourself means learning a set of skills so you manage the finances in a way that gets you a paycheck.

Today on the podcast, you’ll hear about one farmers journey from not being paid for the past 8 years, to wanting to quit, and now learning the skills of paying herself for her work.

It’s not sustainable to work for free long-term.

>>Listen to episode 194 and learn to make your farm and life sustainable<<

Farmers learn these money making skills inside 5X Your Farm Sales.

I can’t wait to share with you!



PS: Listen Now to Tune into How and Why It’s Crucial to Pay Yourself on your Farm

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