#201: My Step-by-Step Process for Drop Sites or Delivery

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Get my exact process today on the Profitable Mindset Podcast for drop sites or delivery of your products.

Getting your products into the hands of the people who need them most can sometimes be a challenge – do you build a farm stand on your farm?

Or do you sign up for multiple farmer’s markets? Or, try to get into stores or restaurants?

What’s best? There are so many options for selling!

And there are pros and cons to all options.

Many of my clients – farmers all over the US – have started doing drop sites, and for some of them, this is their only way of selling.

They say they love the control over their schedule they have.

They no longer have the hard labor of markets – packing up and schlepping their stuff to the market, only to often turn around and have to bring some of it back home again, unpack and restock.

When they use pre-orders and drop sites, as I teach, they know that what they pack up is presold and will NOT be coming home with them.

Today I share my step-by-step process and I have the exact steps l use.

You’ll also learn:

  • my strict boundaries that ensure everyone shows up to get their order
  • the technique I use to make sure my costs are covered while still offering “free delivery”
  • understand how “if you confuse them you lose them!”

Use my process as a guide – it may not work for you exactly, but maybe take what works and put your own spin on it.

Lastly, forward this to your farmer friends who may need this extra instruction to set up their drop site or delivery process.



PS: Listen NOW to learn how to do drop sites and deliveries profitably.

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