#207: How I Hit the Ground Running with a Sold-Out Farm from Day One

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It’s crucial you learn marketing from people who’ve created long-term success with it.

There are no ‘make money fast’ schemes out there that work. 

Oh, there are plenty of people trying to sell you one! 

But I know from years of experience with thousands of farmers that you can’t spend enough money to make up for not learning marketing. 

By that I mean, you won’t successfully spend enough money hiring someone to do your marketing to get profitable.

You can’t spend enough money on FB ads to get you profitable. 

NOTHING will build your profitable farm without you learning marketing. So – if you’ve gotta learn it, it might as well be fun and fulfilling. 

Today on the Profitable Mindset Podcast, I’m in the hot seat answering Jonathan Kilpatrick’s burning questions about our marketing workshop I taught in Minnesota.

Hear how I used the marketing skills I teach farmers to create my own successful, profitable farm. 

Hear about the ‘cash cows’ farmers are building today using the same foundational principles.

Tune in and learn several things, including:

  • The one task you can do each week to build loyalty and connection
  • How to build trust with people online so they’ll buy from you consistently
  • The number one way to build SEO on your website – and it’s NOT by hiring expensive SEO consultants or programs

It’s crucial you learn to market your farm products. There’s no fast or easy way to do it! 

If there was a fast, easy way… you know everyone would be doing it successfully. The fact that the learning is “hard,” weeds out the ones not willing to do hard things.

But that’s not you, insert first name here.

I set up my marketing a year before I brought my first cow home so I hit the ground running and was sold out the day I finally opened for sales.

Now I teach farmers to do the same.

Listen NOW to learn.



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Hi, I'm Charlotte Smith!

I’ve made it my career to give farmers the mindset and the marketing strategy they need to have a farm and life they love.

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